Fast and modern static website generator optimized for technical documentation, built with React and maintained by Meta Open Source.

Docusaurus demo screenshot

About Docusaurus

Docusaurus is a modern static website generator designed to make it easy to maintain open source documentation websites. It provides a set of features specifically tailored for technical documentation, including versioning, search, and internationalization, while allowing developers to use React for customization and extended functionality.

Key Features

  • Built-in documentation features including versioning, sidebar navigation, and search functionality
  • React-based architecture allowing for custom components and themes
  • Markdown and MDX support for content creation
  • Internationalization (i18n) support out of the box
  • Performance optimized with automatic code splitting
  • Built-in SEO optimization features
  • Hot reload development server
  • Integration with modern development tools and workflows
  • Customizable design system with dark mode support
  • Plugin system for extending functionality